Friday, February 27, 2015

JFK speech video

      The audio and video of JFK's speech gives a whole new perspective on it. When you read the transcript of his speech you miss the tone in his voice. His tone conveys his passion for moving America forward. His use of dramatic pauses and changes in pitch and volume are very effective in inspiring Americans to feel a patriotic duty to be the first to land on the moon. The space race was an important step to prove the power of democracy and JFK's speech speaks to the urgency in the situation. The Soviet Union had at this time launched the first orbital satellite, Sputnik. JFK's tone does not show that he has any doubts that America will be able to respond with something better. He puts pressure on by giving Americans a definite goal. There is debate over whether JFK was one of the best orator's of all time. This video shows how many people could argue this, the difference between just reading his words and hearing his words is exponential.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

JFK Style Analysis

Style concerns the artful expression of ideas. Due to the centrality of style rhetoricians pay great attention to it. JFK's style varies depending on his speeches. In his "Moon Speech" JFK tries to motivate the audience. He needs the people of the nation to believe in him. So, that is why JFK utilizes different rhetoric devices such pathos, logos, and ethos. Throughout his speech JFK stresses the importance of the exploration of space.

The imagery JFK invokes in his audience is extraordinary. Throughout his speech he is trying to unite the audience over a cause. This cause is the exploration of the unknown. He wants the nation to believe that he is doing the right thing by sending man on the moon. JFK was a visionary and that is why he was so good at convincing his audience. He was able to enable individuals to see things from his perspective. His orating ability is what made his such an influential president. JFK was able to relate to all individuals during his presidency. JFK donated his salary every year to charity so people of all classes could relate to him. This appeal to everyone adds to his style when he speaks.

Soviet Propaganda

As with every conflict, there were two sides to the Space Race. This is an example of propaganda released by the Soviet Union, featuring an elderly woman looking up to the stars and the Moon. The moon has what seems to be a soviet base. The poster is captioned "In the Name of Peace."

This poster utilizes a variety of rhetorical appeals, including ethos, and pathos. First off, the elderly women suggests a character of vast wisdom. This established ethos gives validity to the caption - in the name of peace. The woman is pointing to the moon, which has a soviet establishment, implying that "winning" the space race would lead to ultimate peace.

Her look of inspiration and determination also rubs off on the audience, hopefully increasing their support for the soviet race to the moon - an appeal to pathos. Similarly, the bright light shining behind the woman instills hope, that the poster suggests a solution to end the conflict: beating the US to the moon.

This poster was released at a time of great ideological disputes and global tension, primarily between the United States and the Soviet Union - the poster's kairos. Both parties saw the race to the moon as a means to triumph over the other, not only in technology, but also in arms and ideologies.

Obama's Style

The style of Obama's speech is fitted to his audience. The president repeatedly praised the achievements of the American space program, and expressed gratitude to the men and women who dedicated their careers to it. Another major part of the speech's style is a sense of hope for the future. Especially towards the end of the speech, Obama described NASA and American space exploration as being destined for greatness in the coming years.

The purpose of this style seems to be one of motivation. Obama spoke in order to give his audience hope and a fire to push NASA to new levels. The applause of the audience is evidence that the style chosen by the president was effective.

Audience in JFK's Speech

John F Kennedy’s audience during his Moon Speech was student and faculty at Rice University in Houston Texas. Anyone viewing the speech on television or the radio was also part of his audience. Kennedy chose to speak to them specifically because he believed Rice students and faculty to proficiently represent “knowledge, progress, and strength”. He believed targeting people that encompassed those qualities would best help guide America through the fearful and challenging times brought about by the Cold War. Also since Rice is amongst the most prestigious universities, Kennedy believed it would be a suitable place to implement the new techniques and tools of learning brought about from developing space travel. While addressing his audience Kennedy used pathos to link their emotions with his desire to improve space exploration. He notes how the state of Texas was conquered by those who “moved forward – and so will space” to instill a sense of pride into the crowd at Rice. The choice to make his audience college students in Texas proved to not only to target young and innovative minds but also develop pride across the nation.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Audience in Obama's Speech

      In his speech, President Obama addresses an audience full of NASA scientists and employees, as well as key political figures. Although this is the direct audience he also tailors his speech to reach viewers at home and the media. He recognizes that his audience does not want to see a drop in the NASA budget and assures them that he is a big supporter of space exploration. He addresses his indirect audience by countering the concern that tax dollars are going to waste with a sound argument as to how funding NASA is beneficial. He knows his audience very well and plays on their innate sense of patriotism to inspire them. He also includes the audience in his speech by using the pronoun “we.” He tells stories that any American could relate to and take pride in. Those stories include the first moon landing which is an exciting story for any American but even more special to scientists who work in the same field. Overall President Obama does a very good job of recognizing his direct audience and larger, more public audience.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Major Argument/ Stasis Theory in JFK's Moon Speech

When JFK delivers his moon speech there is a major argument that he is trying to portray. JFK is attempting to stress the importance of exploring space. As the president of the United States of America JFK feels responsible to further the progress of this nation. The only way we can progress is to explore space.

JFK's speech can also be analyzed through stasis theory. Throughout his speech JFK voices his opinion on the major accomplishments of this nation. JFK makes it seem like we have easily accomplished everything we have wished for so space is just another milestone. The meaning of space is endless discovery. Every corner of this world has been explored but space. Space is the only uncharted teritory for us humans. Therefore,  we should invest our time and money to discover the secretes of space. This issue is very serious because JFK wants to be the first nation to step foot on the moon. As a nation we need to show our power and explore the unknown first. By stepping on the moon before any other nation we show our world dominance. JFK is asking the audience to leave everything in his hands he just needs the support from the people of the USA. As long as he has the support of the citizens of the United States of America JFK can achieve anything.