Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Obama's Appeal to Logos

      Logos is an appeal to the audience’s sense of logic, President Obama addresses makes many appeals to logos as to NASA’s purpose is so important. He argues that NASA has “contributed to immeasurable technological advances that have improved our health and well-being, from satellite navigation to water purification, from aerospace manufacturing to medical imaging.” This shows that President Obama is addressing the idea that NASA is an important aspect of not just space exploration but day to day life. He is appealing to the common man who might have qualms over spending so much money on NASA. He shows that the large budget is helping to make advances that will improve our quality of living and that the large spending with little changes are a thing of the past. Later in the speech, President Obama lays out a plan for spending the budget with a purpose. He explains that he wants to set goals and a strategy to reach these goals. The progression of this speech follows a format that persuades the audience that investing in NASA is the right (and logical) thing to do for our country. Order as well as word choice help strengthen the appeals to logos, words such as “sustainability”, “essential” and “advances” persuade the audience that it is sensible to continue to spend money on space exploration. 


  1. Your post did a very good job at highlighting all the ways that President Obama answered common concerns held by the public. Instead of answering questions in broad and general terms, he does a good job of setting goals and mentioning strategies to achieve them. I would like to know more about the background of Obama's arguments and specific examples for why he thinks NASA is an important aspect of day-to-day life.

  2. I think that for any speech tailored to a more scientific audience should include logos and you did a good job of representing that. I think though, that it would be beneficial if you further explained the chart you added to the side and how that plays a role in logos.
