Thursday, February 26, 2015

JFK Style Analysis

Style concerns the artful expression of ideas. Due to the centrality of style rhetoricians pay great attention to it. JFK's style varies depending on his speeches. In his "Moon Speech" JFK tries to motivate the audience. He needs the people of the nation to believe in him. So, that is why JFK utilizes different rhetoric devices such pathos, logos, and ethos. Throughout his speech JFK stresses the importance of the exploration of space.

The imagery JFK invokes in his audience is extraordinary. Throughout his speech he is trying to unite the audience over a cause. This cause is the exploration of the unknown. He wants the nation to believe that he is doing the right thing by sending man on the moon. JFK was a visionary and that is why he was so good at convincing his audience. He was able to enable individuals to see things from his perspective. His orating ability is what made his such an influential president. JFK was able to relate to all individuals during his presidency. JFK donated his salary every year to charity so people of all classes could relate to him. This appeal to everyone adds to his style when he speaks.


  1. I like the points you made, but I don’t believe you covered all of the different rhetorical devices in your analysis. You had stated pathos, logos, and ethos, but I didn’t find statements supporting each specific one. Perhaps next time you could narrow the topics you cover, but expand into more detail on them.

    - Anderson Lee

  2. I like that you pointed out that JFK wanted to unite and motivate American citizens. That is clearly his goal and his speech is effective. I also agree with Anderson that you could have addressed the other elements of his style.
