Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Major Argument/ Stasis Theory in JFK's Moon Speech

When JFK delivers his moon speech there is a major argument that he is trying to portray. JFK is attempting to stress the importance of exploring space. As the president of the United States of America JFK feels responsible to further the progress of this nation. The only way we can progress is to explore space.

JFK's speech can also be analyzed through stasis theory. Throughout his speech JFK voices his opinion on the major accomplishments of this nation. JFK makes it seem like we have easily accomplished everything we have wished for so space is just another milestone. The meaning of space is endless discovery. Every corner of this world has been explored but space. Space is the only uncharted teritory for us humans. Therefore,  we should invest our time and money to discover the secretes of space. This issue is very serious because JFK wants to be the first nation to step foot on the moon. As a nation we need to show our power and explore the unknown first. By stepping on the moon before any other nation we show our world dominance. JFK is asking the audience to leave everything in his hands he just needs the support from the people of the USA. As long as he has the support of the citizens of the United States of America JFK can achieve anything.


  1. I like how you clearly address each point of the stasis theory. These points are very apparent in JFK's speech. I find that i can check off each piece of the stasis theory in the speech or any presidential speech and it's become really obvious. I didn't realize that I have never payed attention to this methodology before.

  2. I like how you incorporated the stasis theory and supported your statements in your post. JFK pushed for a sense of urgency for the support from the people by explaining that we need to discover the unknown. I agree with the fact that the support of the people will allow JFK to do anything especially because he makes it seem as if with the support of the people all the other accomplishments were easily attainable, so the space exploration should be too.
